Friday, June 15, 2012

Wear a beautiful SMILE with Teeth Implantations

Gone are the days, when the permanent tooth once broken could not be replaced. With the ever growing new technologies to help us, dentists have developed techniques and skills to replace the missing tooth. This technique is known as Dental Implant (インプラント) and process is known as インプラント. So now, you can wear a full broad smile without giving a thought. What is dental Implantation? Dental implant (インプラント) is process of implanting an artificial tooth root into your gum or jaw, such that it can hold a replacement tooth or a bridge. The history of tooth implantation is very old where people used sea shells or stones for implantations. Today’s dental implantation method includes, placing a screw type cylindrical structure, generally made from titanium; inside the bone. Then the new tooth or a bridge is placed on it. The tooth or bridge has same shining and color matching to original color of one’s teeth. So, the new tooth has same look and feel as the original ones. Thus, a dental implant (インプラント) is the method to replace root of a tooth. Material used The roots to be implanted are not visible as they are placed inside the bone structure.

 The roots so implanted are made of titanium or its alloys (Titanium+ Vanadium).Titanium is preferred material as it is light in weight, tough and is easily accepted by the body like gold and silver. Also titanium has an unusual property of fusing in to bones. This method of fusing into bones is called osseointegration (“osseo” – bone; “integration” – fusion or joining with). Thus, within 12-15 days you and your bones get used to the new insertions. For whom is the dental implantation beneficial? Initially インプラント was targeted only for the people who have all their teeth missing, or who had their tooth jaw line fractured or whose jaw roots have decayed. People who had difficulty in handling dentures were also targeted. Features Today dental implantation is one of the successful implantations that are done in the body. The basis of dental implantation is osseointegration. When a tooth is lost or extracted due to decay, it loses its root also.

The root has major function of supporting the tooth. The dental implantation helps tooth to retain and stabilize its bone and structure of mouth and jaw. This also helps in maintaining the facial skeleton and tissues, including gums, cheek and cheek bones and lips. These roots made of titanium or titanium alloy are fully customized be taking measurements of your bone and the extent up to which a dental implant can penetrate into your bone. They are also tailored on the basis of the tooth that is to be implanted. Thus, these dental implants facilitate you in eating and chewing. Moreover, you can smile, talk and look esthetically beautiful. This will help in improving your personality and confidence.

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